September 2021

Norsepower webinar highlights that wind propulsion is no longer a “nice to have”

During Norsepower’s latest webinar, panellists explored potential market consolidation during the journey to net zero and the subsequent commercial and regulatory drivers impacting decision making for developing resilient fleets. With the prospect of regional regulation and rising commercially driven forces, shipping faces an unprecedented challenge to decarbonise that will require the sector to invest in...

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Norsepower joins call for decisive government action to enable full decarbonisation of international shipping by 2050

Norsepower has joined the Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonization, to urge world leaders to align shipping with the Paris Agreement temperature goal. The private sector is already taking important steps to decarbonise global value chains, making this a growing commercial. Now governments must deliver the policies that will supercharge the transition and make zero emission...

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