Norsepower joins call for decisive government action to enable full decarbonisation of international shipping by 2050

Norsepower has joined the Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonization, to urge world leaders to align shipping with the Paris Agreement temperature goal. The private sector is already taking important steps to decarbonise global value chains, making this a growing commercial. Now governments must deliver the policies that will supercharge the transition and make zero emission shipping the default choice by 2030.

In conjunction with the UN General Assembly and ahead of critical climate negotiations at COP26 in Glasgow this November, over 150 industry leaders and organisations, including Norsepower, call on governments to work together with industry to deliver the policies and investments needed to reach critical tipping points in decarbonising global supply chains and the global economy.


Signatories of the Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonisation call on world leaders to:

  • Commit to decarbonising international shipping by 2050 and deliver a clear and equitable implementation plan to achieve this when adopting the IMO GHG Strategy in 2023.

  • Support industrial scale zero emission shipping projects through national action, for instance by setting clear decarbonisation targets for domestic shipping and by providing incentives and support to first movers and broader deployment of zero emissions fuels and vessels.

  • Deliver policy measures that will make zero emission shipping the default choice by 2030, including meaningful market-based measures, taking effect by 2025 that can support the commercial deployment of zero emission vessels and fuels in international shipping.


Tuomas Riski, CEO of Norsepower says: “Norsepower has always been a on a mission to reduce the environmental impact of shipping. The support for the Call to Action demonstrates that there is broad pan-industry support for the long-term decarbonisation of shipping and this outlines the policies and support that is needed from governments to enable the full decarbonisation of the sector by 2050. We have seen collaboration rise over the past few years and hope to see exponential progress within the shipping industry and beyond to revolutionise the industry and how vessels operate. We look forward to seeing the outcomes of discussions at COP26 and will continue to contribute to supporting shipping’s environmental transition.”

The Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonization has been developed by a multi-stakeholder taskforce convened by the Getting to Zero Coalition – a partnership between the Global Maritime Forum, the World Economic Forum, and Friends of Ocean Action. Members of the taskforce include Cargill Ocean Transportation, Citi, the COP26 Climate Champions team, the Energy Transitions Commission, Lloyd’s Register, Port of Antwerp, Torvald Klaveness, Trafigura, Yara, and UMAS.

Learn more about the Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonisation here.