Performance Simulator

Simplified Performance  Simulator

Welcome to our Simplified Performance Simulator. This simulator gives just a quick, preliminary sneak peek of what kind of actual simulations we can produce, when you order a pre-study.

Our pre-study simulations have proven to be extremely accurate; the later, real-life savings of each ship have been practically spot on with what we have predicted during the sales process. 

The accuracy of the actual simulations is high because we have collected 300.000+ hours of real-life performance data since 2014. Our custom-made simulations use that data, the ship specifications, and your input. The best weather data (from NASA, of course) and our fleet know-how further enhance our simulations’ accuracy.

So do try it yourself.  Just select:

  • Norsepower Rotor Sail™ model
  • Route
  • Ship speed
  • Time-at-sea ratio percentage (annual sailing hours divided by 8765h)
And you will get the preliminary results.

If you would like us to prepare a more detailed case study and simulation particularly for your ship or fleet, please contact us at