RoRo ships (which stands for “Roll-on/Roll-off”) play a critical role in global trade, particularly for the transportation of automobiles, construction equipment, agricultural machinery, and other large, wheeled cargo.
Norsepower Rotor Sails™ have been installed on three RoRo ships.
SC Connector
OWNER: Sea-Cargo
Two 35m x 5m NorsepowerRotor Sails™ were retrofitted onto a RoRo operating in the North Sea in January 2021. Norsepower predicted to reduce the emissions of the ship by about 25% – and this has indeed been the case. These were the world's first tilting rotor sails enabling the vessel to pass under bridges.
We are also proud to announce that the SC Connector is now not only the largest sailing Ro-Ro vessel in Norway, but also one of the most powerful sailing ships ever built.

In good wind conditions, the vessel will maintain regular service speed by sail alone.
M/V Estraden
OWNER: Bore Ltd
We installed a Norsepower Rotor Sail™ on the M/V Estraden in November 2014. The owner Bore Ltd was so pleased with the reduced fuel consumption that they installed a second unit to the same ship one year later.
Bore found that using Norsepower Rotor Sails™ has proven to be an especially effective solution because the route in which the Estraden operates North Sea (The Netherlands – UK) is subject to crosswinds for most of the year.
Based on verified measurements by NAPA, the Norsepower Rotor Sails™ reduce the fuel consumption and related emissions by 6.1% on the vessel's route.

M/V Delphine
The M/V Delphine is currently in commissioning phase. It is a vessel with a cargo capacity of close to 8,000 lane meters, transits between the UK, Ireland and Europe and is the largest short sea RoRo vessel operating in the world today. With two 35m x 5m Norsepower Rotor Sails™, Norsepower has estimated that the products will achieve a fuel and emission reduction saving of 7–10%, depending on the route.
LDA/Airbus fleet of three wind-assisted RoRos
OWNER: Louis Dreyfus Armateurs (LDA)
The new low-emission vessels, which will be used to ship large aircraft components for Airbus, will each be powered by a combination of six 35m x 5m Norsepower Rotor Sails™ per vessel. The first installation will take place in 2025.